Friday, April 17, 2009

My grand experiment

Obviously, I have succumbed.

Yesterday, I was normal. Today, I blog. (According to, "blog" can be used as a verb. In case you were wondering.)

Here I will post my thoughts, dreams, hopes, disappointments, religious views, and funnies. Mostly, I post them in order to distill and clarify my thinking. Obviously, since I'm not writing this paragraph in a journal, you are welcome to listen in.

Let me start by explaining my url.

First, even though I do get a little bit giddy when a conversation turns to punctuation, I wasn't set on having "hyphen Lynne" in my address. I have nothing against hyphens. (Except, they are a little reminiscent of dashes and dashes are (mostly) a punctuation crutch for the punctuation weak. But, I digress.) "Waitandhope.blogspot" is simply more iconic than "waitandhope-lynne.blogspot." It sounds like I'm giving myself an order. I take that back. For that to be true--it would have to be a dash.

Anyway, the quote comes from The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas. At the very end of the book, a few of the main characters prepare to sail away from everything and everyone familiar. The count sends them a note with this quote at the end:

"Live, then, and be happy . . . and never forget that until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words, --'Wait and hope.'"

What would be a rather sad separation is instead full of hope. My life right now is full of unexplored horizons. My plans (and oh, I plan) change day to day. Opportunities, challenges, apartments, roommates, classes, and adventures come and go. Permanence is in no way part of my life.

In order to keep myself from panicking about every road not taken or test not passed (just kidding), I remember my Monte Cristo mantra. The count didn't advise them to panic and worry about the unknown seas ahead, he told them to breathe and hope for the best.

As for me, I don't know the future, but I know it is bright.

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