Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things that never fail to put me in a better mood

1. Reading the scriptures. I haven't always gotten so much out of my personal study, but especially since I came to college, there is rarely a melancholy mood that isn't smashed by putting in my earplugs, grabbing a pen, and really reading the Book of Mormon.

2. Listening to music. Music has been inextricably tied to my emotions ever since I can remember. There are a few songs that literally never fail to lift my spirits. It's classical conditioning. I am a rat and Jay Sean or Mika or Sara Bareilles or Colors or Owl City is the bell. (I guess that makes my mood like my saliva.)

3. Exercising. I love how alive I feel after I have jogged around the block or put my healthy, young body to use somehow. There is something inherently rewarding about physical work.

4. Friends and family. I am blessed to have literally hundreds of friends on campus and family only a phone call away.

5. Cuddling. Hm. Not much to say about this one. But since we're sharing, I thought I'd be honest.

1 comment:

  1. hmm...you seem to be missing a picture of one of your favorite people...
