Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Norwegian at the Greek Festival

A few weeks ago my friends and I roadtripped it down to Richmond, VA to see a friend run a marathon. Of course, while she was out there running 26.2 miles, we were stuffing our faces at the Greek festival. [mmmm...]

Since we left really early in the morning, I did my makeup in the car and threw on a hat for the day. Standing in line to receive my decadent spankopita and pork souvlaki, the woman serving mentioned that she liked my hat. It looked very European.

She thought for a moment more and said, "Norway, you look like you're from Norway."

I'm not sure all my relatives can boast such a striking Norwegian resemblance as to elicit comments from total strangers (this has happened more than once), but I certainly do my part.

My ancestors would be proud.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud to be the owner of that fashionable "European" hat!
