Sunday, October 25, 2009

Confession: HSM

There I said it. It's out in the open. I like the High School Musical (HSM) movies.

No, you don't understand. I really like the HSM movies.

I like the energy, I like the dancing, I like the music, I like the cheesy jokes, I like the you-are-not-locked-into-your-stereotype theme, I like that it's fun, and I think Zac Efron* is dreamy.

For those of you scoffing right now, my defense is this:

  • There are worse things to be obsessed with (e.g. Halo, Facebook, RPGs).
  • High school IS overly dramatic, cheesy, contrived, fun and ridiculous, remember?
  • If I lived my life solely to please others( i.e. pretend not to like HSM as much as I really do), I would deprive the world of the many refreshing quirks in my personality.

*For the record, Zac Efron is older than me.


  1. Whoah whoah, let's not fling comments we can't take back.


  2. Ha ha, I knew you would comment about RPGs.
